C-140. Knowing and noticing

AT and IN the Frontier (C-118), working in the Present (C-96), as much before the fact as after the fact, the particulars that we have learned and/or come to know for ourselves are not preparation enough (C-52) for problem solving. Expectations based on knowledges have been known to throw a blanket over needed minding. Colloquially, we speak of “the smarts” as something different, something more than, say, “book knowledge”. (Style and guile also Tell of this.) We also speak of “keeping our mind in the game.” But “mind” does its work as verb as well as noun (App. XX). It’s an R-word (C-107). Minding comprises a number of sensery capabilities as well as sensory capacities to cope with the behavioral challenges of collisions – to avoid and/or arrange them. “Noticing” speaks to one of them.

Our discussion of “change,” especially with reference to G-change (III; C-138), points TO the prominence – and persistence – of the behavioral problem (I:Pbeh), of the required functionality that is imposed by the Nature of Things in addition to whatever situational considerations pertain.

The behavioral molecule (these problems’ solution) Involves a number of functional requisites and imperatives (VI-XI), IN consequence of the Nature of Things. Among the requisites is focal attention: That we attend – an R-word (C-107) … as in taking notice. Not just of what is apparent – perhaps made apparent, but also of needed functionality to complete the composition of the molecular solution. (See the lurking demon of not knowing what we don’t know.)

Jim Boggs’ Attend To’s technology for improving organ donation makes use of the arts and artists of drama to help hospital staff workers toward a more successful Realization of their goal. The technique brings out matters of consequence that can arise during an interaction rife with problematic aspects – some conducive to attention, some not (e.g., notions and emotions), aspects which need to be noticed.

What the technology makes very apparent is that performance is not simply a matter of learned behaviors and particular circumstances, nor even of steps that have been practiced. What is needed is Presence capability (C-96), developed and invented.* Focal attention is central to Presence. But it has to be gotten to. It is also only a partial contributor to minding’s consequentiality. (Memory and cognition, for example, often censor or direct attention. Questioning may expand it.) To make focal attention most useful requires us to Involve and Grasp it (VII, XI; C-71, C-105) in its molecular context – not just of companion minding capacities and capabilities but of its interdependency with moving in the making and taking of steps.

All this, IN and AT the Frontier perspective with its continuing needed functionality (App. XVI; C-41, C-115, C-118), in the light of Realization … and in recognition of not yet fully understood, not yet fully developed human consequentiality.

* Consider, for example, the “noticing” technology potential of the Dynamic Profile Audit (App. XVII). Its detected imbalances could help to restore the neutral equilibrium of an uneven performance, to bring Realization efforts into Accord with the Nature of Things (C-9), and cue us to neglected or abused interdependencies (C-71, C-120, C-122).

(c) 2016 R. F. Carter