C-263.4 Exploring the S-universe

The S-universe is much more like the Expansion-Nature of Things than it is like the B-universe “things of nature.”  The behavioral spectrum is our guide in the S-universe. Its DIFion, Extension and CEM principles resonate with human progress through our Slice, Splice and Swing efforts, especially those of  tool and procedure technologies.

The R-transform (“R” for realization) expresses this needed observer behavioral adjustment in spectrum terms.

The wave spectrum has proved its worth in physics and astronomy. Our Grasp of entities and their relationships now extends to the reaches of the B-universe. Even to the point that we now can consider the possibility of living somewhere else than on this (human) behaviors-ravaged planet. The wave spectrum has birthed many communication technologies: the telegraph, the telephone, radio (AM ad FM) and television.

We can expect no less from our Grasp of the behavioral spectrum and its application to the S-universe. As with the wave spectrum, once we make visible the far reaches of the S-universe – i.e., here and now to what is called for (WICF), the full extend of needed functionality, of problem and solution – we are better prepared to make needed investments in Selves development. We have the procedural tech foundation we need to extend our lives via behavioral architecture.

Just as FM radio via the Fournier wave transform rescued us from the “noise” of AM radio transmission, so too can the R-transform rescue us from the B-universe B-ness and B-speak deflations of behavior. The R-transform is accomplished via our transfigurative point of view and perspective of The Expansion, seeing it not like an empty ice cream cone lying sideways but like the ripples from a rock dropped in a pond.

The Expansion-Nature of Things conjecture about Everything  (Figure C-260A) changes everything. It reveals the S-universe as companion to the B-universe in the Expansion and both as continuations of this Expansion. The behavioral spectrum shows the Way: Forward AT, ON the Frontier of the Expansion … which is also the frontier of our lives.


The behavioral spectrum invites us to extend our Selves. To “know” our Selves via KMmt (Trials of molecular steps) procedural technology. Thus, for example, the new discipline for procedural tech development should go to work on democracy’s vitally needed functionality of “We, the people.,” transforming “us” (the “non-WE”) to WE.  So that democracy can become a living Selve.

This is where we need a new “AI” technology: augmented intelligence.* To respond to the intelligence demands of the R-zone, to do more than “process information.” To build, especially an operating system. The algorithms of the old AI (“artificial intelligence”) look back, not Forward. There is a limit to how much help saving current human work loads can do -- if human existence itself is threatened by neglect of this needed capability.**

There was a time, not so long ago, when an alarm was sounded to announce a fire and people were summoned to help. BYOB: Bring your own buckets. We have improved on that, designing operating systems. Public opinion in times of need? Not that much. Journalism? Not that much.***


* This is “intelligence” as a theoretical construct, not the conceptual version.

** I + O = E” … Armageddon may be the death of our Selves, not that of the planet Earth.

*** Surveillance should extend to our Selves, as via ratios (e.g., consumers/citizens >1++; decision making/problem solving >1++), not just to the surrounds and the other Estates.

(c) 2023 R. F. Carter