C-260.11 Prospects

At first our observer at Big Bang would not see what we see now. And vice-versa. Unless and until, via transfiguration (to the Expansion) and R-transform application (to the S-universe) we can arrange it via Mind procedural technology.

The (PP) distinction between “0…1” and “-1… 0…+1” (see “historical” and “ahistorical” methods) illustrates the materiality involved. Emergence is an “0…1” matter, a familiar phenomenon in histories and stories, but most especially of History per se: of the Expansion and Nature of Things. And a matter of great concern to We (!...?) humans in light of the emergent solutions our many problems require selves to produce, alone and together.

“0…1” is a qualitative matter, whatever quantities (-1…0…+1) may be involved. Quantities are involved, as we see in the amounts of independence, ratios and balances needed to achieve some degree of CEM. It would be a mistake – i.e., tech dysfunction – to see “quality” as just that which a quantity is of. “Quality,” as in performance. There is more dimensionality here than that of a deflated attribute.


Beneath the surface of mythic “source” stories about the human condition, of this or that agency (e.g., animal, god) producing something – or, indeed, everything -- from nothing, there lies, behind the curtain of B-ness and B-speak, a message about the Expansion and Nature of Things: Functionality arises out of needed functionality. Most dramatically, out of the need to arrange for collisions and to arrange to not have collisions.

This is the message that is the message! The message of R-words. See message theory (App. XX).
Zero and One have a History and a historic, not just an ahistorical, arithmetic or logical applicability. From needed functionality through steps formed and taken to achieved functionality. A need for “agency” (conceptually speaking). But the concept confounds responsibility with capability. And as we have come to know to our sorrow, the ratio of responsibility to capability is too often out of balance: >1, sometimes >1+ … and even >1++ (when it is in fashion). The concept of agency is no substitute for the required behavioral architecture: the molecular step.

Notwithstanding that custom has sought solution through cherry-picking from among available agents. Rather than investing in the mass development of Excalibur- quality humans. Humans who can Build – i.e., make what they need in order to make what they need.

We are not operating in the New World of Possibility. B-ness is our “flat earth” notion. We need to find our place in the Expansion and the S-universe as well as in the B-universe if we are going to solve our problems. Most especially the behavioral problem (Pbeh).

This is a case – an exemplary case – where what there is to be talked about (WTITBTA) and what is called for (WICF) are beclouded by our technology for what is said about (WISA) re what is talked about (WITA).

How can we see our way forward with just the technologies of tool and procedure we have so far constructed? Perhaps we can if we come up with a new story to tell our children? A story about History, about the Expansion and its two universes.


Consider the value of higher education … of the “college experience,” from the student’s point of view. The “best years of my life,” some say. A period of emergence. Some say something else, “a waste of time and/or money.” Quality issues.

The curriculum (Learn/Know >1) may or may not be what is talked about (WITA) here. What should concern us is what is called for (WICF) … and what there is to be talked about (WTITBTA) beyond WITA … and even what is currently WICF.

In introducing the idea of “The new university” (C-214), we advanced the case for the centrality – now lacking – of History and Communication as the core of the new university. There’s no shortage of histories and communications in today’s university. But the qualities of History and Communication are missing, because via B-ness and B-speak we have missed the Way Forward, the Way of the Expansion and the Nature of Things … the ways of emergence.

History per se because the Way of the Expansion – the principles of differentiation, extension and CEM -- are the means we need to go Forward. Communication because information*, especially shared information, is WICF given the Nature of Thing’s general persisting condition of partial order – i.e., our consequently incompletely instructed (HC-1) being.


Prospects are not great if the “decision making/problem solving >1++” trend continues. Along with ratios like “consumer/citizen >1++” and “politics/policy >1++” that exemplify the trend.** Computer digitalization and menus along with behaviorally backsliding AI and robot technologies exacerbate the trend. A trend toward public passivity and an invitation to tyrannical exploitation by self-styled great decision makers.***

Something better is illustrated by the work of Louise Slade, who with her associates introduced molecular inquiry into the problem of improved food quality. “Her molecular studies brought us soft ice cream, chewy cookies and crunchy chips” (N.Y. Times, 11-1-21; p. B7). Slicing, Splicing for Swing, technologically speaking. We can make the same kind of advance in behavioral performance with the aid of the pragmatic precept (to Slice mettles) and the molecular step (to Splice mettles) in the S-universe … in accord with the principles of the Expansion.

AT, ON the Frontier of the Expansion where we are now, we need to “look both ways,” backwards to choose among available steps and forwards to solve problems for which available steps are not the answer. Backwards for theory OF (e.g., evolutionist’s focus of attention on populations). Forwards for theory FOR (especially the molecular next step). Our prospects depend on our seeing Forward better. With Mind technologies (“Think about thinking!”) relevant to this World of Possibility.

Our solutions have created new problems -- global warming, ”law and order” (O:Ps). And unequal distribution of solutions – health, education, profit from labor, internet access (O:Sp). And inability to act as one – “tragedy of the commons,” utopian failures, “…toward a more perfect Union” (O:P). There is obviously something wrong with our solutions (qua procedural technology), for what they do and can’t do, that adds to – not subtracts from – our problems (O:S-P).

And now the Covid-19 pandemic. Differentiation and Extension running wild. A predator for us (!) as prey. We – if not WE -- have had some control success via science and technology. But what stands out is the continuing evidence that we lack an effective operating system, needed procedural technology, for readiness and resilience. Molecularity has served us well with respect to bodies (e.g., the vaccines). It might and ought to serve us well with respect to steps (e.g., getting vaccinations and wearing masks).

The blame is blossoming. Responsibility/Capability is >1++. Falling now on “communication problems” (e.g., the CDC). But most such so-called problems are fundamentally behavioral and/or procedural – not communicative. Individuals and communities lack the operating systems (O.S.) they require.#

We need a new paradigm. A new interplay, one beyond the “back and forth” procedural technology of theory method, ala Kuhn. More to do with needed functionality. More of procedural technology. More CEM. For which we need but look to the Expansion—Nature of Things and the S-universe. For theory FOR, not just theory OF. For the Frontier architecture with which to solve the problems of inadequate and missing solutions.


Only B-ness would make one think it anti-Copernican to point to the centrality of Humanity, and of humans as the embodiment of the Expansion’s principles of differentiation, extension and CEM. Perhaps even their exemplar. With focal attention on Behavior’s steps, not just on “behavioral entities.” Not humans as a population among other “evolutionary” populations of species – one of which (Covid-19) currently finds us prey for their predation.

There is a serious question to be asked here: Have we expanded the population of humans too far beyond our reach: beyond the realization of Humanity – i.e., our needed functionality in consequence of the Nature of Things (not the B-ness things of nature, not the B-speak conceptual deflation of “human condition”). We need Humanity, we need the principles of the Expansion and we need to make molecular steps with the help of procedural technology in the S-universe.


* This is Message information, not the binary information of the Shannon-Weaver “information theory.” Contemporary communication curricula are dominated by tool technologies emphasizing transport over message (T/M >1++). This while communication’s Message information sharing, already underdeveloped for lack of S-universe tech (Message information theory), is eroding under the assault of political and criminal forces (e.g., “fake news”). Potentially to the very destruction of the several selves (individual, community and union) whom History – i.e., the Expansion – has favored.

** The editorial as well as the business end of the media follows this trend, playing up the contest for political power. When one election finishes, the next one becomes the day’s news. Abetted by political forces, such as the newly elected president, Trump, out campaigning for 2020 in 2017 the week after inauguration. Polls are no help. Democracy needs the problem solving of the S-universe. Ratios would serve the public (see the journalist function) better. And ratios hold promise of CEM.

*** It’s easy to fix “big government” if all there is to it is to make better choices. But governments get bigger as new situations and new solutions add more needed functionality … while needed operating systems are left undeveloped -- for neglect of the Nature of Things’ behavioral problem, Pbeh … adding more stress on the operating system: i.e., adding to the behavioral problem … and inviting more control system.

# Ever since Eve.

In light of the very useful Search feature now available, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2022 R. F. Carter