C-122. V/R>1: A Behavioral Generality (BFEPS)

What do ideologues, reactionaries, cultists, Utopians, terrorists, “true believers,” et al have in common? They obviously differ in the values they hold and espouse. But they share the condition of Valuation/Realization (V/R) >1. So much so that their behavior also exhibits the imbalance of (V=>R)/(R=>V) >1.(Drastically more than “>1”!) Their Realization effort is limited – and so are the possibilities of their finding new values in consequence of Realization proceedings (C-31).

When a ratio of V/R>1 obtains, this imbalance is a sign indicative of noncompliance with the behavioral metastrategy of Accord (C-9). It does not accord with the Nature of Things (III) and its general persisting conditions of partial order, consequentiality and (for behavioral entities) discontinuity.

As with any “>1” ratio (C-120) this should be seen as a stop signal (VIII), as an antecedent reason to stop and then also as a consequent reason to stop in order to restore the balance of Valuation and Realization – and all that is thereby implied (i.e., emphasizing Realization efforts, developing VR interdependency and the removal of impediments to them [e.g., inadequate intellectual tools and/or procedures: 0:S-P]).

The complete set of behavioral dynamics applies. V and R must be independent (C-111: the R-transform’s orthogonality).They should be balanced and complementary (XI). They should be interdependent (of help to each other) – and they can be if independent and to the extent they are balanced xi-app-(C-71). As V/R goes, so goes V R.

A condition of “<=/=>” (lack of interdependence) brings into question the independence, emphasis and balance of V re R. Thus, for example, a “bottom line” mentality in business implies a disregard for needed interdependence of Valuation and Realization, to with:
  1. Process consequentiality (C-16) of R not subject to analysis;
  2. Evaluation (C-31) of R process is not included in the V estimate;
  3. Values (qualities [e.g., needed functionalities], not just quantities) not guiding R process;
  4. And valued processes (old solutions) learned, not needed functionality, dictating behavior instead of Realization’s knowing.
Not adopting the R-transform is a serious minding error (0:S-P). The V-R distinction, V/R ratio and VR interdependence shed light on many unsolved problems. Take, for instance, the frosty reception sometimes (often?) given “constructive criticism” of performance … for lack of an understood demarcation between, but also needed attention to the interdependence of, R-analysis and V-criticism. See, for example, the fine line one must walk in mentorship.

Given the unsolved problems of our quality of life (0), we cannot afford to neglect Realization as the path toward their solution. To occupy ourselves with decision making, focusing only on available solutions, which have maintenance problems of their own (0:Sp, learning’s need for instruction) – and no matter the importance of the values those solutions hold for us, is to deny the importance of our unsolved problems and to deny the fact, and the potential consequentiality for us,of this World of Possibility in which we find ourselves (III). Or should and could find ourselves: AT and IN the Frontier (C-118).

The V-R behavioral dynamics are widely applicable across fields and disciplines, for behavioral entities made as well as for those found (e.g., for machines as well as for the people who make them). Does the value produced by a realized machine contribute, in turn, to improving the machine … with Realization always keeping needed functionality (e.g., F=>NF)in view (C-115)?

We saw in C-51 (“Decline and fall”) and C-97 (“Late-stage functionality”) how deeply the V/R ratio and the VR interdependence apply. What appears to be happening is that the fruits of Realization are being milked for Valuation without commensurate investment of Valuation’s capital in further Realization – i.e., (R=>V)/(V=>R) >1.

Consider too the V/R>1 of vocationalism versus professionalism, of education (administrator, teacher and student) emphasizing the learning of late-stage functionalities to the neglect of needed, but yet unrealized, functionality – as, for instance, of Realized knowing (C-93: know by trying, not just by finding), of Union (C-112) and of the Realization transform (C-111) itself.

An obvious example of V/R and VR applicability can be seen in the needed interdependence of an economy and a polity. Out of balance, we find instances of business that are not good for a polity (e.g., corporations given legal standing as individuals under the 1st Amendment) and instances of polity that are not good for business (e.g., subsidies). They each need to be further developed, in balance, and with attention to their needed interdependence.

This path forward, of course, is not going to progress well without applying the SGN correction (C-104), so that we can do a better job of realizing Realization. It is, in both of two senses, a matter of the steps we take. We need to take steps re steps. With respect to materiality – i.e., consequentiality – steps and steps together with bodies are as material as bodies.

Anyratio of V/R growing beyond “>1” should serve as an urgent antecedent reason for stopping (VIII; C-120)… when as now, for example,we see increasing emphasis on decision making versus problem solving (C-98: That other climate change) … whether it be in regard to “short term” over the “long term” investment, inefficacious review (e.g., periodic votes) over inventive initiatives (e.g., more productive procedures for problem solving), the economy over the polity, power over strength, faiths over faith ….

…. Concepts over theoretical constructs (C-124): collations of valued particulars (e.g., proprietary territorial rights to a concept) versus Realized behavior which can be shared via development (R-words: C-107).See, for example, the limited Tell capability of concepts like “economic behavior” and “behavioral economics.”* They have more to say about behaviors than they do about Behavior. The latter would require us to inquire of V/R and VR. Economics is about Realization, not just about Valuation. What is rational, for instance, may look quite different with respect to value calculi than it does for modes of problem solving. For example,doing something (anything?!) or following a leader may help handle the behavioral problem.How we see debt in Realization (re investment) differs from how we see it in Valuation (re budgeting).

VR says V and R should be leveraging each other so that both advance. Compare unidirectional models: V=>R or R=>V. Note, for example, how budgets so often shortchange research and development as R investments. As if the needed functionality which R represents was not reason enough to increase taxes, and as if the added productivity that R investment promises would not increase the income with which to pay more taxes. There’s more to balance considerations than assessing the within-budget balance.

There’s no “invisible hand” to guide Realization. Accord (C-9), which can guide us, needs to be Read – to be made visible.If we are to invoke guiding hands, our choice would be to remark on the better grasping capability bestowed by two hands than one … for which the two orthogonal axes of Valuation and Realization stand out. As do all the other pairs, triads et al to which the considerations of behavioral dynamics apply (XI; C-71).

*Double concepts like these, using the adjective-noun linguistic construction, suffer the malady of the muddle (C-114), focusing on late-stage functionalities (C-97) rather than explicating the whole – and especially the beginning needed functionality – of Realization. Concepts are already troubling (C-124), for using the inside-outside cognition instead of the before-after cognition (X) … to point TO or AT something of consequence instead of fully grasping the IN and OF consequentiality involved. (A Germanic collapsing of adjective and noun into one term would not alter this shortcoming.) Theory shows an appreciation (C-123) of Realization that concept does not (C-124).

(c) R.F. Carter