C-159. G-abduction

In addition to induction, in which a generality is inferred from a set of particulars, and deduction, in which a particular is inferred from a generality, both of which employ the inside-outside cognitive relation (X), there is abduction … in which from a set of particulars is hypostasized the antecedent condition(s) that might explain that set of particulars as in consequence (before-after relation, but not just sequential) conditions (Peirce).

The generality in the cases of induction and deduction is of the universal type, applicable to working with observed particulars*, such as we see in protocols of classification, conceptual usage (C-124) and in Merton’s “mid-range theories” of the limited coverage achieved for conceptualized behavioral relationships (C-17,19). We have, however, noted another kind of generality: those general persisting conditions (GPC) of the Nature of Things: partial order, consequentiality and discontinuity (III). Thus abduction can look back for potentially explanatory antecedents (and about, because they are a constant circumstance [II]) with a general and not just a particular mien.

This is what the R-protocol (C-151) of historical reductionism draws on to help provide a more complete and accurate picture of what has gone before any observed Course condition (C-139). It emphasizes a transverse, not just a cross-sectional, point of view and perspective for observations made of CEM-history (App. XI), and especially of the human Course with its future and not just a past.

With G-abduction the consequentiality of needed functionality, NF, and its centrality (C-144: the other “missing link”) come to the foreground. Needed functionality given the Nature of Things (III: e.g., C-38) suggests an explanation for the continuing, vexing behavioral problem (0:P; I:Pbeh; C-1) and for situational problems that require a prior solution to the behavioral problem (e.g., needed collective action) … and because, if Grasped, NF initiates Realization’s development processes to provide that needed functionality … and if fully Grasped could utilize the R-transform (C-111) and help us compose R-protocol technologies with which we can become more effective problem solvers – i.e., become R-entities (C-147) possessed of R-sense (C-128).

We have seen how crucial R development (i.e., C-110: What is called for [by NF]) is to our development of more than R-protocols. Together with composed protocols of Valuation (e.g., C-108,154-5) and of Language (e.g., App. XIV,XX; C-156), the three constitute the progress we have made -- and might and should yet make (C-156) – by introducing their respective transforms to the human Course.

* See footnote to C-153 re the affliction of particularitis, its genesis and consequences.

(c) 2016 R. F. Carter