C-201. To understand the past

To understand the past, you must understand the future. The past was once the future, a small part of it cut out for a present. And the future is a matter of the Nature of Things … of the World of Possibility – not just of prospective things of nature.

Lacking a Grasp of this, the past may well seem to be a better guide (than it is).* Traditions, decision making – rather than problem solving, learning -- rather than knowing.

History, the Nature of Things, is forfeit to histories, to stories projecting needed functionality (e.g., omniscience, omnipotence, and/or omnipresence). The latent and manifest values of the Humanities wasted.

How were – are – we humans possible? Via the consequentiality of the < CEM > mechanism, first by evolution and now by development. Humble the achievement may the latter be. As in view of unsolved, confounded problems.

The future AT and ON the Frontier of the Expansion after Big Bang, partial order and consequentiality was soon joined by (colliding) bodies. Misread by B-ness, relegating the continuing fact of Expansion to one of the many things of nature; an attribute of a putative “universe” with which to weakly Grasp those myriad things. Thingks included.


* See Eve’s lament, Adam’s sin.

In light of the very useful Search feature now available in the home page, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2020 R. F. Carter