C-69. Are we unbalanced?

Are we unbalanced? Yes. As behavioral entities, as step-making and step-taking as well as embodied behavioral entities, we are perpetually unbalanced, forever seeking a neutral equilibrium behaviorally– complementing the body’s stable equilibrium – and having to make provision for it by capability development because in our behavior we are not as gifted as our bodies are. As noted before (C-66), there is just too much involved in human behavior for it to be consistently balanced. But it can be better balanced.

Behavioral balance is also much more of a challenge (see the behavioral problem [I: Pbeh]) than the body’s balance problem. The latter – albeit with some dysfunctionality (e.g., seasickness) – is pretty much a situational (one’s body as an operating system under this or that circumstance) problem. Behavioral balance figures in three distinct operating systems: the individual’s, the community’s, and their interdependence (membership) as an operating system (XI).

(The concept of coordination touches on this matter, touching as it does on particular and obvious behavioral dysfunctionality with respect to the body … and touches on general [but not so obvious] dysfunctionality with respect to our ability to “get it together” as individuals, communities and team members. See “team chemistry.”)

This unbalanced behavioral condition is troubling as well as pervasive. For some, intentional neglect of all the Balance requisite ratios (XI; App. XVII) provides a solution to the behavioral problem. But this weakens their capability to handle situational problems. For others, a demoralizing sense of all that is involved (aka complexity) constitutes a barrier (O:S-P; IV) to solving both the behavioral and the situational problems.

The “unbalanced” which is the neutral equilibrium problem (e.g., the difficulty of “self-composure”) is not the same thing as, although it is undoubtedly related to, “unbalanced” in the clinician’s diagnostic marker for persons whose behaviors are viewed in their totality (especially with regard to the consequences of steps made and taken).

Behavioral balance is that in which we ought to strive to develop more capability, to become more in accord with the Nature of Things. Like the other requisites and imperatives, its message is helpful before the fact and not just after the fact, responding to needed functionality and not just for assessing exercised functionality.

(c) 2012 R.F. Carter